We offer methodology-based services that allow us to understand consumers. We can help your brand to fully connect with society and really plug into consumers’ actual needs. Our methodologies are based on:
Understanding the present
Qualitative, quantitative and ethnographic research.
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Discovering underlying changes
Change Consumer Behavior
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Analysing trends and emerging values
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Connecting through the senses
Luxury and fragrances
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Setting new ways
Brand strategy consulting
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Understanding the present
- Ad hoc analysis and research
- Target and profile segmentation
- Content specialisation
- Consumer insights
- Experimental research
- Analysis and Desk Research
- Generation processes / innovation
“To understand consumers and what every individual case values, what they connect with and how they consume certain products/brands.”
Discovering underlying changes
Changing consumer behaviour
- We use our own methodology that allows us to observe and map behaviour changes that start developing in society. Our mapping tool is already in use with more than 3 000 signs, which are updated and expand on a daily basis.
- We use the signs to identify new behavioural patterns, predict changes and understand why they occur.
- The signs are also used to analyse the relationships between them, allowing us to obtain perspective on several aspects.
“From micro to macro, from local to global, from what’s out to what’s in and on trend.”
Business Sociology
Analysing trends and emerging values
- Coolhunting is a tool that detects and identifies new trends, i.e. behaviours and emerging forms of expression used by a minority but which are set to be adopted by the masses in the near future.
- Now, more than ever, we need to not only understand the current reality but to what extent citizen’s mindset is going to change. We especially need to consider their behaviour as consumers and how it is going to affect brands.
- Trend analysis helps us:
“Inspire, plan new strategies to stand out, innovate, create new forms of expression and connect with the public.”
Connecting through the senses
Luxury and fragrances
- A good example of global consumer trends lies in the behaviour and attitude towards perfumery and luxury products.
- Understanding and uncovering current or future scent trends in the exclusive fine fragrance sector will mark the evolution of the most functional products.
- We created this department to analyse perfumes and scent trends using sensory analysis methodologies designed especially for the perfume sector and luxury companies or any brand that would like to strengthen its image using an odotype.
“Understanding scent trends will mark the evolution of the most functional products.”
Setting new ways
Brand strategy consulting
- Strategies for brands based on analysing trends and emerging social values.
- Any of the Labrand methodologies can be used as a starting point.
- This service includes:
Brand diagnosis; defining territories; strategic positioning; brand concept, communication or product development; brand naming processes; brand architecture; touchpoints; communication platform
“Our strategies based on analysing trends and social values.”